一項研究分析了性別與年齡對凝血指標 PT、INR 和 aPTT 的影響,結果顯示 15-50 歲男女的數值明顯高於其他年齡層。此外,研究強調基於性別與年齡制定參考範圍的重要性,以避免誤診及不必要的治療。
To Determine the Effect of Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thrombopalstin Time (APTT), and International Normalized Ratio (INR) Levels on Gender and Age
Aysha Sultana, Fida Hussain, Razia Asif, Amanullah Bhutto, Shabnam, Azhar Ali, Kiran Aamir, Aamir Ramzan 2023. To Determine the Effect of Prothrombin Time (PT), Activated Partial Thrombopalstin Time (APTT), and International Normalized Ratio (INR) Levels on Gender and Age. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 17, 01 (Mar. 2023), 729.
Hepatic function, coagulation disorders, and the risk of postoperative bleeding can all be detected with PT assay. When it comes to measuring “extrinsic route” coagulation factors, the PT is the most commonly used test. It is possible to check for a lack of intrinsic or common route factors by measuring the duration to trigger partial thromboplastin (aPTT). A solution to the problem of inconsistent PT measurements among laboratories was the creation of the International Normalized Ratio (INR). Laboratory-specific reference intervals can have a significant impact on the quality of patient treatment by influencing clinical decision-making.
The purpose of this study is to determine if gender and age affect PT, International normalised ratio (INR), and aPTT levels in people without known liver disease or anticoagulant therapy.
Between July and December of 2021, patients without a past history of bleeding were admitted to the LUMHS Hyderabad civil hospital for minor surgical procedures (inguinal/umbilical hernia repair, caesarean section, rectal polyp excision, and diagnostic cystoscopy). There were 2274 patients in all, with 766 males and 1508 females. According to their chronological age, patients were separated into three groups. The study sampled 268 men and 22 women aged 0-14, 222 men and 1335 women aged 15-50, and 151 women and 276 men in the third age range (over the age of 50 year). Systemex CA-500 auto analyzer was used to conduct the analyses.
Males and females have considerably different PT and INR values. Men and women between the ages of 15 and 50 were more likely to have increased PT, INR, and aPTT readings than those between the ages of 0 and 14. Males and females between the ages of zero and fourteen had the lowest aPTT levels. Between the ages of 15 and 50, women and men had higher PT, INR, and aPTT values than women and men over 50. PT, INR, and aPTT reference values based on a 95% confidence interval for men and women, as well as sexes and ages.
In this arena, a dearth of study has established that gender and age have little effect on PT, INR, and aPTT levels. Gender and age disparities in clinically used reference ranges for PT, INR, and aPTT must be taken into account.
Keywords: Prothrombin Time, INR, APTT, Outcomes
2021年7月至12月期間,無出血病史的患者入院至LUMHS海得拉巴市立醫院接受小型手術(腹股溝/臍疝修復、剖腹產、直腸息肉切除及診斷性膀胱鏡檢查)。共2274名患者,其中766名男性和1508名女性。根據其年齡,患者被分為三個組別。研究樣本包括268名0至14歲的男性和22名女性,222名15至50歲的男性和1335名女性,以及276名50歲以上的男性和151名女性。使用Systemex CA-500自動分析儀進行分析。
2021年7月至12月期間,分析了在LUMHS市立醫院接受小型手術(腹股溝疝修復、臍疝修復、直腸息肉切除及診斷性膀胱鏡檢查)的患者記錄,並測量了血漿PT(INR)、INR和aPTT。血液樣本採集使用含3.2%檸檬酸鈉的試管。從全血樣本中分離血漿需要以3000 g的速度離心5分鐘。總共有2274名患者,其中766名男性和1508名女性。根據其年齡,患者被分為三組。研究樣本包括268名0至14歲的男性和22名女性,222名15至50歲的男性和1335名女性,以及276名50歲以上的男性和151名女性。
使用西門子商業檢測試劑盒,在SYSMEX CA1500自動分析儀中測定血漿PT和aPTT水平。通過計時PT的秒數來估算INR。標準化和控制樣本通過此程序進行分析。為確保檢測結果的準確性,每月進行外部質量控制檢查,並且每天與正常和異常對照進行比較(KBUD,土耳其)。
統計數據分析:使用SPSS 25.0統計軟件進行分析。在本研究中,使用Shapiro-Wilk測試來檢測正態性。對PT、INR和aPTT的數值進行了分析。
Andrew等人於1987年首次提出了發展止血系統的正式概念(11)。大量研究證實了該研究的主張[5, 10, 13, 14]。根據這項研究,成人和兒童應該擁有各自獨立的參考範圍。如果診斷錯誤,可能會對醫療系統、患者、其家庭以及醫療工作者帶來負面影響。根據Flanders等人的研究[10],在7至17歲年齡組中,PT(Diagnostica Stago)值顯著較高(14.0秒),並呈現非參數分佈。為了評估是否存在差異,我們使用Kruskal-Wallis檢驗來比較所有年齡組別,並使用Mann-Whitney U檢驗來檢查兩組之間的差異。研究者認為p值<0.05具有顯著意義。
與成人組(13.2秒)相比,7至17歲年齡組的PT值較高。然而,aPTT(Diagnostica Stago)結果未顯示出顯著變化。這項研究發現,在同一年齡範圍(7-17歲)內,兩者之間差異為1秒。包括我們設備在內的四個系統均顯示出與年齡相關的生理變化,包括PT和aPTT值的增加[5,13]。
根據Greenway和Monagle P等人[8]的研究,許多年輕人可能會因為其aPTT值比成人長而被誤診為冯·維倫布蘭德病。通過本研究,我們發現成人和0至14歲兒童之間存在顯著差異。此研究中的aPTT值與我們的結果顯著不同。這一不匹配可能是由於不同人群和分析儀使用不同的參考範圍所解釋。成人和兒童的aPTT相似,儘管兒童的aPTT略長,約長一秒。根據我們的調查,0至14歲的兒童比成人平均長0.04秒。許多關於兒童和成人之間生理差異的研究已經進行過[11]。在生成PT、INR和aPTT的治療有效參考範圍時,應考慮性別和年齡的差異。
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