中文品名:羅氏可霸斯生化快速監測系統 英文品名: cobas b 101 System 醫材字號:衛部醫器輸字第026530號 效能: 申請商名稱:台灣羅氏醫療診斷設備股份有限公司 申請商地址:台北市中山區民權東路3段2號10樓 製造廠名稱:PHC Corporation In Vitro Diagnostics Division Wakimachi Plant 製造廠廠址:110 Oaza-Inoshiri-aza-Nishiueno, Wakimachi, Mima, Tokushima, 779-3603, Japan
Roche cobas b 101 羅氏可霸斯糖化血色素及血脂快速監測系統


cobas b 101 system
One-stop solution for HbA1c, lipids, and CRP testing in the Primary Care Setting
The cobas b 101 system is an IVD test system offering HbA1c, lipid panel and CRP tests at the Point of Care. Fresh capillary blood, K2 or K3-EDTA or lithium heparin anticoagulated venous whole blood can be used for HbA1c. Fresh capillary blood, K2 or K3-EDTA anticoagulated whole blood or plasma can be used for lipids (CHOL, TRIGL, HDL-CHOL, LDL, non-HDL). Fresh capillary blood or serum, K2 or K3-EDTA or lithium heparin anticoagulated whole blood or plasma can be used for CRP. The system delivers fast and reliable results and is intended for professional use in a clinical laboratory or at Point of Care locations.

Guideline compliant performance
- cobas b 101 system complies with all relevant standards and methods (IFCC, DCCT/NGSP)1
Easy and safe operation
- Direct blood application from a single finger stick with small volume
- No calibration needed, maintenance and service-free, guidance by the graphical user interface (GUI)
Fast turnaround time
- From patient preparation to displaying dual testing results in a less than 15-minute workflow and single testing results in about 6 minutes (CRP in less than 4 minutes)
- A choice of single HbA1c, lipid panel and CRP testing or dual HbA1c and lipid panel tests
System characteristics
- User-friendly with a large touchscreen, full keyboard, and multiple language support
- Robust, maintenance- and calibration-free with a wide operating temperature and humidity range
- Connection to cobas® infinity POC IT solutions
- External printer or barcode scanner allow an improved workflow and documentation
- Data download to USB stick and then to a PC or data download to IT solutions installed on PC.
Disc Features
- Direct sample application from finger (no capillaries, tubes or pipettes are needed)
- Requires only very small sample volumes (2 μL for HbA1c, 19 μL for lipids and 12 μL for CRP)
- Discs are color-coded and clearly labelled to support correct use.
- Hinge cover concept for operator safety
- Discs can be stored for more than 16 months at room temperature (2-30 ºC)2,3,4
- The cobas b 101 is an in vitro diagnostic instrument for the quantitative evaluation of clinical chemistry assays and immunoassays using the cobas b 101 test discs. The cobas b 101 instrument is intended for near-patient testing. Not for self-testing.
Regulatory Disclaimer
- For in vitro diagnostic use.
Product specifications
Sample size
- HbA1c: 2 μL
- Lipid: 19 μL
- CRP: 12 μL
Sample material
- HbA1c: Capillary whole blood, venous whole blood with anticoagulant (EDTA or heparin)
- HbA1c PST: Capillary whole blood
- Lipids: Capillary whole blood, venous whole blood or plasma with anticoagulant (EDTA)
- Lipid PST: Capillary whole blood
- CRP: Capillary whole blood or serum, venous whole blood or plasma with anticoagulant (EDTA or heparin)
Measurement range
- HbA1c: 20-130 mmol/mol (IFCC) or 4-14 % (DCCT/NGSP)
- Lipid: CHOL: 50-500 mg/dL or 1.28-12.95 mmol/L
- TRIGL: 45-650 mg/dL or 0.50-7.35 mmol/L
- HDL-CHOL: 15-100 mg/dL or 0.38-2.60 mmol/L
- LDL-CHOL: estimated using the Friedewald equation
- CRP: 3.0-400 mg/L or 0.30-40.0 mg/dL
Test storage
- 2-30 °C
Test stability
- Unopened: CRP Lipid: 16 months
- HbA1c: 22 months
- Opened: 20 minutes