- SUN-5000L可處理廢棄物種類有:稻稈、玉米稈、蔗渣、棕櫚、木屑…等乾固類農業有機廢棄物。
- SUN-5000L批次處理量為容積比5000L
- SUN-5000L批次處理時間約3小時(依廢棄物含水量,最高含水量≦50%)
- SUN-5000L處理系統流程說明:
送料系統 | U型螺旋輸送機,將欲處理物料送至碎解機 |
碎解系統 | 有機廢棄物中所含之有機硬物皆可直接碎解,不需再挑除,精密且高效率之碎解設備,在處理過程中不需添加水,即可將有機硬物碎解成漿狀物 |
輸送系統 | 將碎解後之粉碎狀有機廢棄物殘渣,採吸吐式鼓風輸送至裂解系統 |
裂解系統 | 浸潤式的免堆肥配方將有機物裂解反應作用後,可大幅縮短處理時間,反應作用持續高溫一小時100℃,能有效殺死病菌,達到高溫滅菌效果,符合節能、環保、衛生、安全、速成處理之最終目標 |
脫水系統 | 將處理完成有機產物迅速脫水,採特殊壓榨技術,可輕易將水份擠壓成低含水率成品,雖未完全乾燥但可直接施用,亦可日光曝曬保存轉變用途 |
再生產物 | 土壤改良劑、有機質肥料、飼料添加劑 |
Function and treating process of SUN 5000L:
- Kinds of organic wastes treated:Agricultural dry organic waste like crop resides, saw dust etc.
- Treatment capacity of SUN-5000L is 5000L
- Treatment time of SUN-5000L is 3 hours. (depending on water content, not exceed 50%).
- Treating Process of the System SUN-5000L:
Input system | A U-type spiral transporter is used to feed raw materials to the shattering device. |
Shattering system | Hard organic substance can directly be shattered by a highly efficient shattering system. |
Transporting system | The shattered organic waste residue after disintegration is transport to the decomposing system by suction blast. |
Decomposing system | The composting-free formula helps to reduce the treating time. The whole reaction time is about 1 hour at 100℃. The high temperature of the process can kill most of the disease germs. The process also achieves the final goal such as power-saving, high-speed, environment protection, fast-treatment. |
Dehydrating system | Dehydrating the organic product by using special compressing technology, it can reduce the water content of the final product. The final product is not fully dried but can be use directly. You can also apply further sun shine for dry storage. |
Recycling products | Soil conditioner, organic fertilizer, additives. |