




As incidence rates continue to rise, diabetes remains a significant global healthcare concern.3 There is a high prevalence of cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes, with a poor prognosis in those with HF compared to those without.1 As highlighted in the ADA consensus on diabetes and HF, the detection of HF in people with diabetes is of key importance, especially in early stages with structural disease but without symptoms.3
Evidence shows that aminoterminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)-based screening can detect HF before the appearance of symptoms.4 The benefit of this screening has been shown in clinical trials; the PONTIAC trial5 demonstrated significant reduction in hospitalisations in people with diabetes, and the STOP-HF trial6 demonstrated reduced major adverse cardiovascular outcomes, as well as hospitalisations, in people with cardiovascular risk factors. The ADA consensus recommends that natriuretic peptides (or high-sensitivity cardiac troponin) are measured annually in diabetic patients to identify the earliest stages of HF and to prevent progression.3 The question that remains is how best to implement these guidelines in practice. There are several hurdles to overcome, such as optimal infrastructure, clinician education, and engagement of primary care practitioners.





  • 糖尿病患者中心衰竭(HF)的患病率很高,且與非糖尿病HF患者相比,他們的預後較差,住院和死亡率更高。
  • 美國糖尿病協會(ADA)關於糖尿病和HF的共識報告推薦對糖尿病患者進行常規的心衰篩查,以便早期識別HF的發生並防止其進展。
  • 在此演講中,Pop-Busui教授描述了一條在密西根大學學術網絡中對高風險糖尿病患者實施HF篩查的途徑。



  • 患者需要在糖尿病登記系統中註冊,該系統能被密西根醫療系統中的臨床醫生訪問。
  • 他們不能已被診斷為充血性心衰或是MiChart心衰登記系統中的一部分。
  • 他們必須至少有一個額外的風險因素:肥胖(BMI>30)、高血壓、糖尿病腎病或確認的冠狀動脈疾病。




  1. McMurray JJ, et al. Heart failure: a cardiovascular outcome in diabetes that can no longer be ignored. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2014;2(10):843-51.
  2. Burrows NR, et al. Declining Rates of Hospitalization for Selected Cardiovascular Disease Conditions Among Adults Aged ≥35 Years With Diagnosed Diabetes, U.S., 1998-2014. Diabetes Care. 2018;41(2):293-302.
  3. Pop-Busui R, et al. Heart Failure: An Underappreciated Complication of Diabetes. A Consensus Report of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes care. 2022;45(7):1670-90. 
  4. Cosentino F, et al. 2019 ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD. Eur Heart J. 2020;41(2):255-323.
  5. Huelsmann M, et al. PONTIAC (NT-proBNP selected prevention of cardiac events in a population of diabetic patients without a history of cardiac disease): a prospective randomized controlled trial. JACC. 2013;62(15):1365-72.
  6. Ledwidge M, et al. Natriuretic Peptide–Based Screening and Collaborative Care for Heart Failure: The STOP-HF Randomized Trial. JAMA. 2013;310(1):66–74.