


Visceral fat adipokine secretion is associated with systemic inflammation in obese humans


Fontana L, Eagon JC, Trujillo ME, Scherer PE, Klein S. Visceral fat adipokine secretion is associated with systemic inflammation in obese humans. Diabetes. 2007;56(4):1010-1013. doi:10.2337/db06-1656




Although excess visceral fat is associated with noninfectious inflammation, it is not clear whether visceral fat is simply associated with or actually causes metabolic disease in humans. To evaluate the hypothesis that visceral fat promotes systemic inflammation by secreting inflammatory adipokines into the portal circulation that drains visceral fat, we determined adipokine arteriovenous concentration differences across visceral fat, by obtaining portal vein and radial artery blood samples, in 25 extremely obese subjects (mean ± SD BMI 54.7 ± 12.6 kg/m2) during gastric bypass surgery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Mean plasma interleukin (IL)-6 concentration was ∼50% greater in the portal vein than in the radial artery in obese subjects (P = 0.007). Portal vein IL-6 concentration correlated directly with systemic C-reactive protein concentrations (r = 0.544, P = 0.005). Mean plasma leptin concentration was ∼20% lower in the portal vein than in the radial artery in obese subjects (P = 0.0002). Plasma tumor necrosis factor-α, resistin, macrophage chemoattractant protein-1, and adiponectin concentrations were similar in the portal vein and radial artery in obese subjects. These data suggest that visceral fat is an important site for IL-6 secretion and provide a potential mechanistic link between visceral fat and systemic inflammation in people with abdominal obesity.

Excessive visceral fat (i.e., mesenteric and omental fat) is associated with insulin resistance and diabetes (1,2). Accordingly, waist circumference, which correlates with visceral fat mass (3), has been recommended as a clinical marker to identify patients at increased risk for metabolic diseases (4), and large waist circumference is one of the criteria used to diagnose the metabolic syndrome (5). However, the mechanism(s) responsible for the relationship between visceral fat and metabolic abnormalities is not known, and it is not clear whether visceral fat is simply associated with or actually causes metabolic disease.

It has been hypothesized that large amounts of visceral fat cause insulin resistance because lipolysis of visceral adipose tissue triglycerides releases free fatty acids (FFA) directly into the portal vein, which are then transported to the liver (2). Increased delivery of FFA to the liver impairs insulin’s ability to suppress hepatic glucose production, and increased systemic FFA concentration inhibits insulin-mediated glucose disposal in skeletal muscle (6). However, data from studies that examined FFA kinetics in human subjects suggest it is unlikely that lipolytic activity in visceral fat is a major contributor to insulin resistance (7). On average, 20% of portal vein FFA and 14% of total FFA that appear in the systemic circulation are derived from lipolysis of visceral fat in obese subjects (7,8). Therefore, fatty acids released from visceral fat represent only a small percentage of total FFA delivered to liver and muscle tissues.

Visceral fat could cause metabolic abnormalities by secreting inflammatory adipokines, such as interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and resistin, which induce insulin resistance and diabetes (9,10). In contrast, visceral fat might have beneficial metabolic effects by producing adiponectin (11), which increases insulin sensitivity and decreases glucose intolerance and diabetes (12). However, the importance of adipokine production by visceral fat in the pathogenesis of the metabolic abnormalities associated with obesity has not been carefully studied.

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relative contribution of inflammatory adipokines (IL-6, TNF-α, MCP-1, resistin, and leptin) and adiponectin secretion from visceral fat in insulin-resistant subjects with abdominal obesity. Portal vein and peripheral artery plasma concentrations of adipokines were determined in insulin-resistant, extremely obese subjects who had large amounts of visceral fat. We hypothesized that the concentration of inflammatory adipokines would be greater in the portal vein than in the peripheral artery in obese subjects.


儘管過量的內臟脂肪與非感染性炎症有關,但目前尚不清楚內臟脂肪是僅與代謝疾病相關,還是實際上會導致人類代謝疾病。為了評估內臟脂肪通過分泌炎症性脂肪因子到瀉入內臟脂肪的門靜脈,從而促進全身炎症的假設,我們在密蘇里州聖路易市的巴恩斯-猶太醫院進行胃旁路手術時,採集了25名極度肥胖患者(平均體質指數54.7 ± 12.6公斤/平方米)的門靜脈和橈動脈血樣,確定了脂肪因子的動靜脈濃度差異。平均血漿白介素(IL)-6濃度在門靜脈中比橈動脈高出約50%(P = 0.007)。門靜脈IL-6濃度與全身C反應蛋白濃度直接相關(r = 0.544,P = 0.005)。平均血漿瘦素濃度在門靜脈中比橈動脈低約20%(P = 0.0002)。血漿腫瘤壞死因子-α、抵抗素、單核細胞趨化蛋白-1及脂聯素濃度在肥胖患者的門靜脈與橈動脈中相似。這些數據表明,內臟脂肪是IL-6分泌的重要部位,並為內臟脂肪與腹部肥胖人群的全身炎症之間提供了潛在的機制連接。






本研究共有25名III型上半身肥胖的受試者參與(6男19女,BMI 54.7 ± 12.6公斤/平方米,腰圍150 ± 10厘米,年齡42 ± 9歲),他們預定接受開放式胃旁路手術。受試者完成了全面的醫學評估,包括病史、體格檢查、心電圖以及標準的血液和尿液檢測。所有肥胖受試者根據2型糖尿病的病史或高的恆定模型評估分數證實有胰島素抵抗(13)。所有參與這項研究的女性均處於絕經前期。有6名肥胖受試者患有2型糖尿病,正在接受胰島素和二甲雙胍治療;沒有人正在接受噻唑烷二酮類藥物治療。每位受試者在入組前均已簽署書面知情同意書,本研究已獲得密蘇里州聖路易市華盛頓大學醫學院人體研究委員會的批准。

開放式胃旁路手術及上消化道手術於受試者禁食一夜後的早晨在巴恩斯-猶太醫院進行。在手術過程中,於胃縫合或腸切除前從橈動脈和門靜脈同時採集血樣。血樣立即轉移到無菌玻璃EDTA管中(BD Vacutainer;BD Biosciences,英國牛津),置於冰上,並在4°C下以2200g離心10分鐘。然後將血漿樣本放入無菌冷凍瓶中,液氮快速凍結,並存儲於-80°C,待後續分析時使用。

使用商業放射免疫分析套件測量血漿總脂聯素濃度(Linco Research,聖路易斯,MO),並使用商業ELISA套件測量IL-6、TNF-α、抵抗素、MCP-1(Quantakine高敏感;R&D Systems,明尼阿波利斯,MN)以及血漿C反應蛋白(CRP)(ALPCO Diagnostics,溫德姆,NH)濃度。通過速度沉降和定量西方墨點法分析確定血漿高分子量(HMW)和低分子量(LMW)脂聯素(14)。血漿胰島素和瘦素濃度由放射免疫分析測量(Linco Research,聖路易斯,MO)。

血樣採集地點間差異的統計顯著性,對於正常分佈且標準差大致相等的數據,使用學生配對t檢驗進行評估。對於非正常分佈或標準差不等的群體間差異的統計顯著性,使用Wilcoxon兩樣本檢驗評估變量。使用皮爾森相關性分析來評估連續變量之間的關聯。當數據非正常分佈時,相關性數據進行對數轉換。P值小於0.05被視為具有統計學意義。所有數據均使用SPSS for Windows軟件,版本12.0(SPSS,芝加哥,IL)進行分析。所有值均以平均值±標準差表示。


在開放式胃旁路手術過程中,從25名極端肥胖的受試者(BMI 54.7 ± 12.6 公斤/平方米,大量內臟脂肪,腰圍 150 ± 10 厘米)同時獲得了門靜脈和周邊動脈的血樣。所有肥胖受試者根據胰島素抵抗的恆定模型評估(13)均顯示有胰島素抵抗的證據。

在肥胖受試者中,門靜脈的平均血漿胰島素濃度是周邊動脈的兩倍多(分別為 34.4 ± 21 和 15.2 ± 8 μU/ml;P = 0.0004)。門靜脈的血漿IL-6濃度比周邊動脈高約50%(表1)。門靜脈的血漿瘦素濃度比周邊動脈低約20%。相比之下,門靜脈的血漿TNF-α、MCP-1、抵抗素和總脂聯素濃度與周邊動脈的濃度無顯著差異。在10名肥胖受試者的子集中評估了門靜脈和橈動脈中以HMW形式存在的脂聯素的百分比;門靜脈(33.1 ± 11%)和動脈(28.6 ± 17%)之間的HMW脂聯素百分比沒有顯著差異。門靜脈IL-6濃度與動脈CRP濃度直接相關(圖1)。







我們的研究具有幾個重要的限制。首先,它是在受試者的絕收態條件下進行的,這可能無法反映餐後條件下脂肪組織脂肪因子分泌到全身或門靜脈循環的情況。其次,血樣是在手術期間獲得的,這可能影響了血漿脂肪因子濃度。全身麻醉可以減少門靜脈血流(37),這可能增加門靜脈脂肪因子濃度。然而,血流的減少應該同時影響內臟脂肪分泌的所有脂肪因子,但我們發現門靜脈IL-6濃度較高,而瘦素濃度則低於橈動脈血。第三,我們的研究對象僅限於極度肥胖的受試者(BMI >40 kg/m²),他們擁有大量的腹內脂肪。因此,這些結果可能不一定適用於BMI值較低且腹內脂肪較少的肥胖人群。然而,我們並未發現BMI或腰圍與門靜脈或動脈脂肪因子濃度之間有顯著的相關性。第四,我們觀察到的門靜脈IL-6與全身CRP濃度之間的關聯並未證明因果關係。需要進行更多複雜的研究,包括門靜脈輸注IL-6抑制劑和重組門靜脈IL-6,才能證明門靜脈IL-6是CRP產生的主要調節因子。


圖1. 極度肥胖受試者中門靜脈IL-6與全身CRP濃度之間的關係。數據進行了對數轉換。 表1 肥胖受試者中橈動脈與門靜脈血漿脂肪因子濃度


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